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This is part of the Now Movement.
I’ll be updating this page whenever my life updates.
Also, timelines are cool for reminiscing.
  1. June 2024


    The long postponed digital housekeeping

    I'm finally coming back to the internet as an active participant, after a few years lurking. I tuned out of every single social media platform in 2019 and dedicated the last few years quite intensely to my indie game development studio, but I'm finally taking a break from the hustle and using this time to reorganize my digital self, which includes this website. There's lots I want to write about my experience releasing two games in the last four years, and I guess I kinda just need to exist in the internet again, so it's all in good timing.

    I'll be in São Paulo at the end of the month for Gamescom Latam! Extremely Powerful Capybaras has been nominated for Best Multiplayer Game, which is amazing and a treasure at the end of the cave after two years of the development.

    📚 Reading: The Dragonbone Chair by Tad Williams and Hackers: Heroes Of The Computer Revolution by Steven Levy.

    🎮 Playing: Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance (Gamecube) and finishing up the War Room missions of Advance Wars: Black Hole Rising (Game Boy Advance).

    📺 Watching: Rewatching Season 1 of The Bear and trying my hardest to juggle all the Eurocup and Copa América games.